Earlier this year I received a call from the Director of the Arts for Autism Foundation of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Joey Travolta Film Camp asking if I would design an award for their 2015 Person Of The Year, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto. You see, Carolyn Hare, the director of this incredible organization, found my Vintage Film Reel Clock project on my Pinterest board and thought it perfect for their Person Of The Year award.
The Arts For Autism Foundation of Pittsburgh was founded to encourage the creative expression of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through inclusive arts programming. The Foundation focuses on providing such programming to transition youth and adults trough its flagship program, Pittsburgh's Joey Travolta Film Workshop.
I created the award and shipped it off to Pittsburgh and today it was presented. Congratulations Mayor Peduto!
Mayor Paduto and his Person of the Year Award.
Map of Pittsburgh behind the clock.
Thank you Carolyn for tracking me down and thank you Pinterest! I promise to post the craft-how to next week. Until then, happy crafting!